Sunday, 27 December 2009

Make Money Online And Do It For You And No One Else

No matter what you do, there will always be nay-sayers out there to stand in your way. There is always going to be someone there telling you that you can't accomplish your goal. The only person that can decide whether or not you can do it is you. Don't let people tell you that you can't get or don't deserve what you want.


What Do Nay-Sayers Say?

Nay-sayers will usually say things such as this:


-You can't do it.

-It's too hard.

-You're wasting your time.

-Why don't you try this? You'll be better at it.

-That won't work.

-You're going to fail.


Any negative comment someone makes toward something that you're passionate about is going to stand in your way only if you let it. If you think 'well, everybody's telling me I can't, so I guess I can't., you're letting their words get to you. When you think 'Hey, I'm the only one in charge of what I can and can't accomplish, and I'm going to make it no matter what they say.', it's a much more positive direction to go. These people will tell you that they're looking out for you and that they only want and know what's best for you, but you're the one that truly knows.


This ties in directly with working online. People will be there to tell you I tried it and it didn't  work. It won't work for you either. Wrong. Every situation is different. You determine your online success. As long as you do the right things at the right time, you'll do fine. You've got to persevere and keep trying no matter how many times you are knocked down. Your first attempt at online success may not be perfect, but it will be an opportunity to learn something that you should do differently.


People fail online due to not trying hard enough and giving up when it gets tough. These folks truly aren't cut out for online success because there will be ups and downs no matter which way you go. More people fail because of flaws made in their first online business. This is normal--many people do not make it the first time. The ones who get up and dust themselves off and try it again are the ones that find success. It's not just going to come to them overnight, and they will always have people there telling them 'I told you it wouldn't work. They don't listen to these people. They know that they're the ones who can tell themselves that their idea will work if they keep at it.


When it seems like no one is backing you up and everyone is telling you that you will fail, it does make things harder because you seem to be all on your own. There still are people out there willing to help, though. People get put down and discouraged every day, and if nothing else, that sometimes is their biggest incentive to make it online because they've got something to throw back at the negativity. They've got success and no one can take it away.

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