Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Data Entry 101 And The Basics of the Business

Since the beginning of time, data entry has existed in some form or another.  From cavemen scribbling pictures on earthen walls to the modern computers of today, man has always inherently needed a system for recording daily happenings for later recall.  The advent of computers has added an additional step to the data entry process, therein creating new job opportunities.  No longer does a person simply jot down the information and leave it in their notebook, now most companies enter information into computers for safekeeping and easy access.  Doctors, lawyers, and many different industries in between all rely on data entry specialists to take often illegible information and create a usable file of information.
Today, many people recognize data entry as a popular work from home job.  There are many opportunities that allow an employee to telecommute and work from anywhere.  Employees get information for their data entry jobs, enter the information, and then return the original files for payment.  This routine seldom varies, but the input process often does.  While excel used to be the data input software of choice, the computer age has seen a wide variety of different software programs specifically designed to handle data pop up.  Some of these programs are quite complex, requiring training similar to that of a computer programmer.  Others are as simple as entering in numbers.
Nearly anyone can get involved in this interesting field.  People who are excellent typists make the best data entry employees.  Unfortunately for some people, data entry is incredibly precise.  Entering in the wrong information, even if only a letter or decimal place off, can sometimes alter the entire meaning of the information.  For this reason, employees must be very thorough and the work can be very grueling.  Additionally, some people find the work to be physically taxing.  Employees in this field should invest in ergonomically correct chairs and keyboards to help reduce the risk of injury to wrists or back.  Taking a break every hour and walking away from the computer screen is also essential to avoid eye strain and injury.  Breaks also help a person’s mind stay sharp and tuned to the task at hand.  Typing on a project for too long usually results in costly typing errors and mistakes.
Finding data entry jobs requires patience and a keen eye.  Many internet websites claim to provide a fast track to data entry jobs for a fee.  These sites do not usually deliver, though, and should be avoided.  Reputable placement websites will provide listings of data entry positions for free.  These websites are valuable resources for information about the field as well as job opportunities.  As this field continues to expand, jobs will be more readily available for employees.

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