Sunday, 26 October 2008

Avoiding Network Marketing Scams


Network marketing is done widely over the Internet. This movement has made network marketing much quicker and easier for everyone, but it's got its downsides as well. Lots of people on the Internet are waiting to scam you. This article will tell you the most popular forms of Internet scams when it comes to network marketing.


Popular Scams


-Website Design

In order to be successful with network marketing, you must advertise and have a place for people to be able to see what your company has to offer the world. For this, you need a website. It should be attractive and well put together, so that it will catch people's attention and keep them focused on the site. Many people aren't sure how to do this and don't know anyone who will, so they look to professionals on the Internet to create sites for them. While many of these businesses are legitimate, there are lots of them that aren't. Sometimes there is no way to know whether or not they're legitimate besides trying them out. If you try them

out you've got a chance of getting scammed. So you pretty much have three options. The first one is to design the website yourself. You may have to pay for the initial site and/or URL link, but you really don't have any other expenses besides that. This way, your website will be exactly the way you want it to be. And if there's something you don't like about it, you can always go back and change it. Your other alternative would be to hire someone that you know personally to design a website for you. With this, you'll also have more control than you would if you let someone over the Internet do it. Lastly, you could always take a chance and have a site design your website. Make sure it's a site that you feel good about. Learn all you can about the site before you invest. Your chances of  getting scammed are not as high if you do this.



Believe it or not, consumers can scam you. Some consumers may ask for your product and tell you they'll pay you when they get the product. Some ask for you to send the product and they'll send you a check at the same time. So what if you send the product and you never receive money for it? You've just been scammed and there's really not much you can do about it. Always make sure you have the money first before you send out your product. Some consumers may not like that because they feel it will be easy for your company to scam them that way, but this ensures that you won't give a product away for free.


-Beginners Scams

Lots of people fear getting started with network marketing, so they look to the Internet for help. Scammers have picked up on this, and some of them make lots of money this way. They'll claim to have great tips on how to get started for only $29.95. Well, don't do it. You don't know if they have tips or not, but they know they've got  your money and that's all they're worried about. Some scammers will even claim to send you books on how to get started with network marketing. Most times, these offers are legitimate, but there still are people on the Internet that scam you like this. Just watch out and don't pay any entry or start-up fees for tips on network marketing that you're not positive you'll receive.

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