Does making money from a website seem daunting? Well, actually, if you know what to do, it is quite easy. If your website is not making money there are a few changes you can make to bring in a profit.
The appearance of the website itself may be the problem. There are certain expectations of a website. People that surf the web expect a certain layout to be in place. If you have completely gone against the grain, they make think there is something wrong with your site.
Do not leave a huge blank spot on your site. Unless you are Apple, chunks of white space do not attract users. Instead, they click on your site and wonder what it wrong with it. You can use white space to your advantage by not cluttering your site. Keep the graphics to a minimum. Have a clear masthead along the top of the site or the left hand side. That is where users tend to look first.
All pictures and graphics should be spaced reasonably. Do not leave a huge gaping white space block on your site. Use a few ads as pictures to up your Google rating. Join affiliate programs and you will have plenty of links and ads to place in areas where there is nothing else.
A Google Search box is never a bad thing. Stick one of those on your site and users will be able to search the Net, and your site. Google Adsense is a must if you want to make decent money with your website. Sign up is free and easy. You will make money from page impressions and when people clicks on your links. Keep track of your earnings by logging into your account periodically.
Align yourself with other webmasters. If you are selling gift baskets, it is in your best interest to have other gift basket site links on your site. This will up your ranking in Google and draw users that you would not normally get without the extra links. Don’t worry about business being drawn from your product. You will make money from visitors being on your site. Some people will also buy your products, making it a win-win situation.
Don’t spend your time clinking on your own ads. Play fair and it will pay off. First of all, you won’t have time to click the ads enough to make a substantial amount of money. You will need to get traffic to your site. Tell everyone you know about your site. E-mail everyone in your address book with a link they can click on. Some people won’t take the time to visit, but others will.
Be patient. If your website is new, it will take some time to attract visitors. You will need to maintain the site well, checking for broken links and replacing outdated ads. Having more than one site is also a good idea. Having links to the various sites you have built will double the money you make.
Stuart Smith owns the websites Success Home Working and Internet Business Opportunity Site and writes articles around these areas of interest.
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How to Design A Website That Makes Money
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