Should You Join A Business Mentoring Program?
There are three players in most any business mentoring program: the mentor, the mentee, and the facilitator. Whether or not you should join a business mentoring program depends a lot on the other two players in this experiential triangle. Hook up with a facilitator that is more or less a money making platform but pays little attention to the quality of the mentors, and you will waste your hard earned money. Conversely, sign on to become a mentor and find that the mentees more or less are not as serious about becoming entrepreneurs or productive members of the business community, and you will find that you are wasting your time and energy.
On the other hand, if you are lucky enough to get connected with a facilitator that works hard on pairing the right kinds of mentors with respective mentees, and you will find that you are in for the learning experience of your life! Such a business mentoring program can become the backbone of your business success with the venture you are currently engaged in as well as any future ventures you might be considering at some other point in time. If you have the opportunity to join such a business mentoring program, you will be wise to sign up as soon as there are openings!
Overall, the stated goal of a business mentoring program needs to be the practical application of time tested business concepts in a local or currently viable economic model. If there is a recession, then the business mentoring will most likely take a completely different tact than during a time of economic upswing. At the same time, the mentoring you will experience during a time of turmoil most likely will focus on you, the entrepreneur, a lot more than on the business aspects themselves since uncertain times do not lend themselves for hanging on to businesses and projects that are proving themselves to be not profitable.
Conversely, as a mentor you have every right to expect a pairing with a mentee who is eager to learn from you even though you should not expect her or him to take your words of wisdom as gospel, it is entirely natural to hope that some of the hard learned life’s lessons will help someone else to prevent certain problems and pitfalls. In so doing, you are also setting up a great business ally who may send some overflow business your way and who may look out for your changing business interests later on. Ideally, a business mentoring program will result in a lifelong relationship that is mutually beneficial not just for the here and now but for times to come.
Finding a facilitator that meets your needs is not an easy task. Carefully peruse the qualifications of the mentors who are part of the business mentoring program and also find out where the mentees are coming from. In some cases you may not be ready to sign up at a venue where the cost is too high or the remuneration too low. Conversely, you may find that even if the money aspect is not a driving force, the quality of the facilitated interaction leaves something to be desired and perhaps you will continue to look further for a different platform.
If you are looking to enroll in a business mentoring program then we recommend Success University. At Success University you will have access to many hours of streaming audio and video courses as well as the chance to dial in to a number of training calls each week. Click here to find out more.
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